Dream Quest Wiki

As you walk through the corridor, a ghostly door appears in front of you. Brown wood, with a large brass knob, it shimmers before you. When you reach a hand out, it passes through the wood. Perplexed, you try the knob and it turns. And then the world turns. When you regain your senses, you're laying on a very comfortable sofa, across from a goateed man, scribbling furiously in a notebook.

"Ah, <name>, are you back with us?"

"Wait? What? Where am I?"

"Now, now this is Hillditi's House of Happiness. And I'm Dr. Hillditi, of course. I can eat your unpleasant abilities and replace them with things more palatable. Otherwise, you're welcome to leave..."

A sign above his head reads:

The Doctor is IN

Likes: (2 of:)

  • Cards whose names contain the letter '<A>'
  • Attack Cards
  • etc

Dislikes (1 of:)

  • same as above.


If you give him something he dislikes, he will replace it with a permanent curse card.

If a card matches the card type he likes you get decent card. If it matches the letter you get an even better card.

If a card matches both of his likes you get an even stronger card that also matches your class.

Every card has a hidden level from 0-10, if you give him a higher level card you get back a higher level card. For example Attack 1 is level 0.

If you have a lot of Attack 1s and 2s and they match the like rules but not the dislike rules, it's usually beneficial to pitch them here. For example, when doing this with an Assassin I get Swiftness and Troll Blood Charm cards back.

Hillditi is an anagram for Illithid.
